Episode 78: Check Your Notifications
Forthwith. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
Complicated question;
Taking debts;
Main exit;
Nasty things; and
Outside friends.
Episode 77: Agree to Disagree
Common ground. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
Feel bad;
Crazy talk;
Forgot it;
Stopped unexpectedly; and
Funny now.
Episode 76: It's A Word
Among many. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
Alternate weekends;
Proper methodology;
Guessing wonder;
Guessing era; and
Where going.
Episode 75: Punish For Misunderstanding
The only way forward. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
Alternate weekends;
Proper methodology;
Guessing wonder;
Guessing era; and
Where going.
Special: Spaced Out
Journey across a final frontier -- lock, stock and laser guidance system.
Episode 74: What Happened There
Fact. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
That close;
Being pest;
Much attention;
Go crazy; and
There first.
Episode 73: Bingo
Called it. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
What what;
Long claim;
Another one;
No uncertainty; and
Chant like.
Episode 72: Drop of a Hat
Mission accomplished. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
This land;
No more;
Something stupid;
Was impressive; and
Kicked out.
Episode 71: Totally Passing Judgment
Unrelenting. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
Let go;
Wrong thing;
After all;
Took anyway; and
Getting it.
Episode 70: Shots Fired
Take cover. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
Still no;
Host advantage;
Rather wonder;
Ran away; and
Killing conversation.
Episode 69: Lovable and Adorable
Cuddly. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
Settle touching;
Parsing ability;
Not world;
Against repeal; and
Value judgment.
Episode 68: Don't Think That's Luck
Just a feeling. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
Proper reference;
Beginners once;
Brag brag;
Good spot; and
The point.
Episode 67: Worse Than Usual
Truly. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
Correct answer;
Cleared up;
What get;
On mute; and
Is awkward.
Episode 66: Kinda Forward Settled
Just cause. Snippets from assorted co-operative multiplayer games including:
Understand feeling;
Ususal suspect;
Reasonable reaction;
Not specific; and
Random noises.
Special: Mixed Signals
Reading between the lines becomes all but required listening.
Special: Random Stream of Consciousness
A lot to do about nothing, or nothing to do with a lot keeps players talking about non-gaming matters while gaming.