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April Fool's 2012
Announcing a significant change in the show's format, while otherwise business as usual. (To have served as Episode 144 instead for April 1st, 2012.)
TRIVIA: Was not released as planned when then-website host went offline for the day
PolyCast Evergreen, Season 6
Celebrating a decade of podcasting, a look-back at the show's sixth season: ten selected topics that most retain their relevance and ten moments that best represent delivery style. Hosted by show co-creator Wouter "Locutus" Snijders.
Episode 163: Everything But the Kitchen Sink
- 01m08s | Forum Talk
Speculation resurgence as to whether or not there will be a second expansion pack for Civilization V.
- 21m55s | Senate
Deconstructing a frustration over early wars in CivV, the appeal of siege units post its Gods & Kings expansion, and questioning the seriousness of a claim not to bother with a technology tree in the Civ series.
- 40m30s | Miscellaneous
Highlighting and summarizing the year that was for both the Civilization franchise and the PolyCast family of podcasts.
- 44m49s | Blooper Reel
Outtakes from episodes throughout PolyCast's sixth season that were previously cut due to runtime.
Christmas Special 2012: Girls Playing Civ Too
- 01m01s | Difficulty Level
Preferred difficulty level of play in Civilization IV and Civilization V.
- 03m08s | Girl Gamers
Perception, experience and analysis of the presence of women in gaming.
- 09m49s | Favourite Civilization
The panelists' favourite CivIV and CivV civilization to play.
- 14m06s | Female Leaders
Comparing the choice and selection of female leaders in the Civ series to date.
- 17m52s | Empire Size
A leaning towards either a tall or wide empire in CivIV and CivV.
- 19m44s | Victory Preference
Nostalgia runs deep when choosing a preferred victory condition to strive for in Civ.
- 21m59s | Victory Theatre
A focus on a Deity-level Cultural Victory account within the CivV expansion Gods & Kings.
- 24m55s | Religion Mechanics
Comparing and contrasting the religion mechanics in CivIV and as introduced to CivV in its G&K expansion.
- 28m00s | Espionage Mechanics
Similarly, comparing and contrasting the espionage mechanics in CivIV and CivV expansions Beyond the Sword and G&K respectively.
- 31m58s | Unit Dislikes
Units to dislike, discard and disrespect.
- 36m37s | Strategic Resources
Reflecting upon strategic resources as implemented in CivV.
- 38m32s | Favourite Map
Favourite map type, and size, in both CivIV and CivV, including a comparison of two types for the latter.
- 42m20s | Favourite Speed
Similarly, favourite game speed in both most recent Civ iterations.
- 47m17s | Title Preference
Forcing a choice to play either Civilization IV or Civilization V today.
- 50m47s | Community Status
The state of the online Civilization community according to the panelists.
- 57m22s | Game Tweaks
Tweaking requests for CivVG&K and its subsequent patches.
- 61m10s | Artificial Intelligence
The good, the bad and the ugly of CivIV and CivV's Artificial Intelligence past and present.
- 64m07s | Flashback Topics
Recorded for the first such special, four conversations not previously released: trying advanced starts (64m47s), executing capital moves (66m27s), substituting game music (67m26s), and playing random civilizations (68m54s).
Episode 162: Not Just a Lame Clip Show X
- 01m07s | Miscellaneous
Civilization IV theme "Baba Yetu" song writer Christopher Tin answering questions from members of the game's community (recorded for Episode 140); of rush buying between CivIV and Civilization V, and opinion for multiplay in the latter (04m22s; recorded for Episode 143); and various means of manipulating CivIV and CivV's Aritifical Intelligence (09m43s; recorded for Episode 153).
Engaging with listeners of the live recording over crowd sourcing for games with a focus on Kickstarter (12m24s; recorded for Episode 155); CivIV Lead Designer Soren Johnson on choosing music pieces for the game's soundtrack (17m36s; recorded for Episode 160); a call to change the icon of the Fur resource in CivIV for being too cute (22m47s); and assessing the various Civ series introductory songs on the PC (25m14s).
- 28m39s | Senate
Definitely more, and maybe better, pantheon beliefs for CivV within its Gods & Kings expansion (recorded for Episode 159).
Episode 161: On the Spot
- 03m43s | News
An official, pending follow-up up on the Fall 2012 Patch for Civilization V.
- 04m50s | Forum Talk
Rating the religious beliefs found in the CivV expansion Gods & Kings, and then debating the pros and cons of the Corruption, Maintenance and Happiness systems found throughout the five main Civilization series titles to date (12m21s).
- 32m53s | Research Lab
Incorporating a Nomadic Era start in Civ, and then adapting Paradox Systems' grand strategy games' diplomacy and warfare mechanics into the series.
Episode 160: Relevances and Irrelevances
- 01m48s | News
Taking in the good and bad on the heels of the release of the Fall 2012 Civilization V patch, and then reaction to official word of the development of Civilization Online, a Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) title in development for Asia.
- 24m40s | Senate
Considering the scale of challenge that is a Cultural Victory in Civilization V, achieving a faster win for a Science Victory and then for CivIV highlighting the methodology behind the game's civilizations as controlled by its Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Episode 159: Looks Forward to the Challenge
- 04m23s | Open Mic
A listener suggestion on an additional game to cover on the show, responding to an email from a listener referencing their suggestion on how to improve Civilization V's Piety Social Policy as compared to Rationalism (09m45s), while another listen weighs in on the Random Number Generator (RNG) and its place in the Civ franchise (19m42s).
- 29m28s | Forum Talk
Choosing a favourite map type in CivV, and its immediate predecessor by extension (recorded for Episode 116), on the prevalance of the Stone resource in CivV following last summer's patch (33m14s; recorded for Episode 124) and bringing to bear the ability to construct any and all unique items found in CivIV in one game (35m35s; recorded for Episode 150).
- 38m03s | Senate
Arguging for a delayed start to Bronze Working for its benefits in Civilization IV; then in CivV's Gods & Kings expansion pack, whether to go for a Missionary or second Great Prophet after founding a religion (45m17s) and wanting more generic choices instead of situational ones as it pertains to Pantheon beliefs (52m12s).
Episode 158: Let That Sink In
- 02m47s | Senate
Contesting the good that Mounted units are, and then on using an air force (11m48s), both in Civilization V: Gods & Kings.
- 21m39s | Open Mic
A shoutout to the show leads to a discussion on a number of CivV "Elimination Threads" (#1; 2, 3, 4, 5; 6, 7), and then reading and answering an email sent in by a listener named Nick (25m33s).
- 30m59s | Forum Talk
Should one upgrade CivV Machine Guns into Mechanized Infantry, contrasting Battleships and Destroyer units (35m38s), and then a heated debate over what if Civilization IV combat was not Random-Number Generator (RNG) dependent. (37m48s; recorded for Episode 152).
- 49m27s | Research Lab
Examining the desirability and viability of building in fractions in Civ.
Episode 157: Under the Hood
- 01m22s | News
A fine tooth comb grooming over notes for a "Fall" patch for Civilization V, and in particular its expansion Gods & Kings: Introduction, Polish and Bug Fixes (03m42s) and Balance Changes (19m35s).
- 36m08s | Miscellaneous
Revealation that CivV will have Touchscreen support; then, acknowledging both a Resource Sales Chart (39m07s; recorded for Episode 126) and a Leader Attribute Spreadsheet updated to reflect G&K changes and additions (40m59s; recorded for Episode 153).
- 43m28s | Forum Talk
Call for a Ruin giving Culture to its explorer prompting for a Social Policy change same turn as applicable in CivV (recorded for Episode 156) and playing with Aggressive Artificial Intelligence on in Civilization IV (46m05s).
Episode 156: What's The Counterplay?
- 01m07s | Forum Talk
Shedding light on the Piety/Rationalism Social Policy flip-flop in Civilization V's Gods & Kings expansion, followed by: contemplating the benefits of Open Borders agreements (07m32s), improving the game's Diplomatic Victory (13m12s), dealing with the randomness that are Ancient Ruins (27m18s) and how to reward honor in multiplayer matchups (39m48s).
- 50m55s | Research Lab
Taking in the Espionage system G&K introduced to CivV and how it could be expanded or otherwise refined.
Episode 155: On the Back Burner
- 00m58s | Forum Talk
For Civilization IV, examining a Commerce Flow Chart and how to respond when animals don't attack.
- 11m55s | Open Mic
Responding to comments about the show's previous episode from a general point of view followed by answering a number of CivV inquiries: a follow-up on settling Great People to maximum effect (16m17s); the at least perceived overpowered nature of the Austrian civ introduced in the Gods & Kings expansion (19m46s); finding Medical Labs and Marines useful; oddities of Longswordsmen to Musketmen and Great War Infantry to Infantry, and reactions to the division of the Modern, Atomic and Information Eras late game.
- 45m02s | Miscellaneous
Has there been a re-birth of computer strategy games or is there a varied conclusion to reach based on a number of observable and otherwise analyzed factors.
Episode 154: Not Too Shabby
- 01m43s | Senate
Planning placement of Great Person improvements in Civilization V and finding a purpose for Helicopter units (08m45s), both in the context of the Gods & Kings expansion pack.
- 13m54s | Forum Talk
First, answering an inquiry about whether or not loosing Aluminum will stop any Hydro Plants constructed from working; then, delving deep into a CivV Social Policy balance assessment in G&K (15m46s) and an alternative approach to the mechanic altogether (37m08s).
- 44m48s | Open Mic
Responding to some comments received from the show's most previous episode, and taking a call-in during the recording of this episode (52m46s).
Episode 153: Working As Intended
- 01m38s | Forum Talk
Contemplating the inability of embarked units to defend in Civilization IV, followed by the following on CivV: first month assessments of the Gods & Kings expansion (08m50s), should players be allowed to raze any city including capitals (22m39s), and debating the continued merits of using Iron for units in the Classical and Medieval Eras (31m53s).
- 42m44s | Senate
The value of using Citadels offensively given changes to this Great General unique terrain improvement ability in the first Civilization V expansion.
- 47m29s | Research Lab
Proposing an ice-breaker unit and the Canadian influence for a City State League suggestion (53m31s).
Episode 152: A Whole New Meaning
- 02m40s | News
Reviewing a "hotfix" patch for Civilization V, and its Gods & Kings expansion, alike.
- 06m22s | Community Focus
The two guest panelists become interviewees as their CivV multiplayer service Giant Multiplayer Robot is explored.
- 18m51s | Theatre
The next foray into first impressions of CivV: Gods & Kings: technology tree and units; buildings, Wonders and resources (25m06s) and then the anticipated new civilization examinations (31m23s): Celts, Austria (34m13s), Sweden (37m53s), Carthage (39m20s), Huns (41m17s), Netherlands (44m01s), Maya (45m52s), Byzantium (46m47s), and Ethiopia (48m48s).
- 51m19s | Miscellaneous
A preview of the 2-hour live stream from 2K Games Civ Community Manager Greg "2K_Greg" Laabs' of the Gods & Kings expansion for CivV: a Quick-speed, Small Continents King-level game as Boudicca of the Celts.
Episode 151: Not Just a Lame Clip Show IX
- 00m28s | Forum Talk
The case for organizing civilizations by strength of gameplay (recorded for Episode 145).
- 08m45s | Miscellaneous
The best way to cure sickness, also known as unhealthiness, once industrialized in Civilization IV (recorded for Episode 136) and the mystery and intrigue surrounding the 2012 "Girls Play CivIV" calendar (11m48s; recorded for Episode 138).
- 13m49s | Senate
Whether or not to take the found Oil resource (recorded for Episode 127) in CivV and uncovering the full extent of first diplomatic impressions in CivII (18m27s; recorded for Episode 138).
- 25m08s | Research Lab
Considering replacing culture, growth and production bonuses for civilizations controlled by CivV's Artificial Intelligence for combat ones (recorded for Episode 132), and then the first (32m01s; recorded for Episode 143) and second (46m31s; recorded for Episode 144) look at suggestions for minor changes to the Civilization series.
Episode 150: A Few Words
- 02m14s | Forum Talk
Going from the theory to practice that would be negative traits for leaders in Civilization IV.
- 11m28s | Senate
Giving oneself wartime relief in CivIV through technological progression: Code of Laws, Mathematics and Currency, a combination thereof or otherwise.
- 15m23s | News
As expected the Civilization V expansion pack Gods & Kings is released, where one fansite is offering reimbursement for its cost for a review of it.
- 19m08s | Community Focus
Past, present and possible future for the Analyst Site on Civilization V.
- 24m29s | Theatre
The guest and one of the regular panelists give their first impressions of CivV's first expansion: religion and espionage, Artificial Intelligence and Diplomacy (32m41s), and City States (38m13s).
- 45m48s | Show
Announcing, and acknowledging, the departure of one of the show's regular co-hosts.
Episode 149: Certainly a Statement
- 01m46s | Forum Talk
The gone viral account of an ongoing Civilization II game, already more than a decade in the making, top multiplayer civs in CivIV (14m00s; recorded for Episode 140), and the release of a CivV patch with multiplayer and single-player fixes (17m40s); then, profiling the Smokey Skies scenario (21m43s) and with regards to the first Developer Diary from the imminent CivV expansion Gods & Kings (26m16s).
- 31m43s | Senate
Should there be fail gold, or failure compensation at all, for incomplete construction projects in cities (recorded for Episode 138), and the most important strategic resource should one be guaranteed for every civilization to have (36m35s; recorded for Episode 148), in Civilization IV.
- 47m11s | Miscellaneous
In follow-up to a story first covered last episode, the filing of bankruptcy by Big Huge Games owner 38 Studios on both its implications and greater fallout.
Episode 148: Onward and Upward
- 01m09s | Forum Talk
The arrival at last of the official Civilization V: Gods & Kings website; still with this CivV expansion then, dissecting the nature of the upcoming Machine and Gatling Gun units (07m41s), debating merits of introducing Non-Aggression Pacts (19m30s), whether to bring back a Civil War mechanic (28m59s), and moving availability of the Trading Post improvement to the Guilds technology (36m25s).
- 41m48s | News
The sudden and jarring demise of Rise of Nations developer Big Huge Games.
Episode 147: Lots of Speculation
- 01m29s | News
Oh so much new information revealed publicly for the first time about the Civilization V expansion Gods & Kings. In order of consideration: civilizations; combat (11m39s); resources, diplomacy and miscellaneous (16m27s); religion (22m50s); and contradictions in two preview write-ups as well as a video one (38m25s).
- 45m20s | Community Focus
The coming together of the Civilization fansite community for its third intersite Democracy Game, set in Civilization IV and its Beyond the Sword expansion.
- 48m00s | Miscellaneous
How the revelation of past Civ designer Soren Johnson joining Zynga leaves mixed feelings about his move, his next game involvement and social gaming in general.
Episode 146: Forest for the Trees
- 03m22s | Senate
Comparing the merits of promotions for Galleys, and a generalized "to do" list in the early game, both for Civilization IV.
- 15m40s | Forum Talk
Considering the possibility of a demo for the Civilization V expansion pack Gods & Kings, as well as the most anticipated scenario(s) from it.
- 24m40s | Research Lab
Contrasting the Scout unit in CivIV and CivV in the context of revising its promotion capabilities.
- 31m20s | Miscellaneous
On the implications for CivV's game mechanics from the upcoming G&K expansion, ethics and legalities of Civilization's developer and publisher incorporating community-generated MODs into the base game (47m49s; recorded for Episode 122), playing CivV without any Victory Conditions (50m18s; recorded for Episode 124), and how to keep CivIV interesting after all these years since its release (52m02s; recorded for Episode 134).
Episode 145: Being Pedantic
- 01m04s | News
Breaking down the Civilization V: Gods and Kings playthrough show at PAX East 2012 a couple of weeks prior.
- 41m53s | Open Mic
Verbal feedback emailed in from a listener that expands on their forum post in response to a topic discussed last episode.
- 47m35s | Miscellaneous
Strengths, weaknesses and next steps for a survey to serve as the basis for a university dissertation connecting interest in Ancient Egypt and video games.
Episode 144: Too Long Didn't Listen
- 01m36s | News
On the first of Civilization V: Gods and Kings' presence at PAX East 2012, as well as its announced release date.
- 34m00s | Forum Talk
An analysis of the 'CIV5Worlds.xml' file catches the panel's attention.
- 41m27s | Senate
The connection between Great Scientists, bulbing for research and the Fishing technology is scruitinized in Civilization IV (recorded for Episode 134).
- 43m06s | Miscellaneous
A collection of saves for instant CivV achievement gratification draws ire, while an April Fool's Joke for its Gods and Kings expansion generates buzz (53m02s).
Episode 143: Don't Mistake Cause and Effect
- 01m11s | Senate
Treating a self-diagnosed "irrational fear" of technological inferiority, and tips for co-operative multiplay (18m16s) -- both for Civilization IV, with extension to consider CivV on comparable terms.
- 33m17s | Miscellaneous
Getting in on an argument that Downloadable Content (DLC) for Civilization V has been "done right".
- 42m09s | Interview
Chatting with the person behind a newer series of CivV "Let's Plays", and looking back on the efforts of another such creator (49m56s; recorded for Episode 114).
Episode 142: Intestinal Fortitude
- 01m22s | Miscellaneous
On which Wonders of the World have been seen in 'real life'.
- 06m24s | News
Pouring over continuing developments on the upcoming Civilization V expansion pack, Gods & Kings.
- 13m40s | Forum Talk
Evaluating the viability of adding corporations and debating the value of advisors (22m02s), both in Civilization V; next, adding to advice for playing a One City Challenge (OCC) in Civilization IV (31m16s) and then back to CivV to assess the need for being able to see rival civilization's technology tree progress (37m34s).
- 43m06s | Senate
Demystifying the link between gifting cities and stealing technologies easier through espionage in CivIV.
- 46m40s | Research Lab
What of a place for Chemical and/or Biological warfare in the Civilization series.
Episode 141: Can Always Speculate
- 03m13s | News (Part 1 of 2)
Coverage galore on the offical announcement that the first Civilization V expansion pack, Gods and Kings, is set for release this spring. Through analyses and sleuthing alike, its following aspects are discussed first: religion; espionage (15m02s); diplomacy (19m40s); civilizations (22m34s); buildings (25m06s) and combat (26m44s).
- 28m47s | Miscellaneous
Observing CivV leaders' reactions to defeat (recorded for Episode 111); counting down a Top 10 things "Learned About the World" through the game (32m39s; recorded for Episode 129); some continued disbelief that females play Civilization games (35m01s; recorded for Episode 134), and critiquing CivV's difficulty levels in correlation to the Artificial Intelligence (40m44s; recorded for Episode 136).
- 47m19s | News (Part 2 of 2)
Considering the stated release timeline for CivV: G&K, and a possible sneak peak of some modified CivV settings to come following an accidental then reversed patch rollout (50m17s).
Episode 140: It's Give and Take
- 01m14s | News
Reacting to Sid Meier being interviewed by GameInformer on the future of strategy gaming.
- 11m37s | Forum Talk
The scoring formula being broken in Civilization V, CivIV before it, and the top multiplayer civs in CivV.
- 48m16s | Open Mic
Answering "Verade"'s call-in question pitting Civilization III against CivIV as playing preference.
Episode 139: Add Insult to Injury
- 01m14s | Research Lab
On a request for unique technologies for Civilization's, well, civilizations.
- 11m37s | Forum Talk
Considering the most important attribute in CivV, and the ability to run a negative treasury.
- 31m12s | Senate
Combining late game and air unit analysis, and how to stop Giant Death Robots in Civilization V.
- 48m16s | Miscellaneous
The sizzle of comparing gaming and cooking.
Episode 138: That Was All a Lot of Nothing
- 02m08s | Forum Talk
Looking back on, and the reaction to, the latest Civilization V patch released just before Christmas 2011.
- 06m36s | Miscellaneous
A collective enthuasiam for, concern cast or indifference towards not one but two sequels to XCOM: Enemy Unknown through publisher 2K Games.
- 11m54s | Senate
Converting forests into lots and lots of gold in Civilization IV, not wasting worker turns in CivIV and CivV, and getting too close for comfort -- so to speak -- in CivV.
- 44m10s | Open Mic
Responding to the call for feedback for the show's fifth season that received fifty-nine responses in total.
Episode 137: Not Just a Lame Clip Show VIII
- 00m48s | Miscellaneous
Whether or not to give Open Borders to an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-controlled civilization for gold in Civilization V (recorded for Episode 122), and balancing the intelligence equation for Civ AI in general (04m13s; recorded for Episode 124).
- 07m36s | Senate
To, or not to, trust unit automation in CivV (recorded for Episode 127), going for a CivIV Cultural Victory through the Cultural Slider (10m01s; recorded for Episode 129), which Great People to target post-Liberalism technology (15m35s; recorded for Episode 132), areas of play under which beginning CivV players are lacking (26m42s; recorded for Episode 134) and are mounted units weak in CivV (35m52s; recorded for Episode 136).
- 49m39s | Forum Talk
Why some of Civilization V's luxury resources are not as strong as others (recorded for Episode 135).